Septuagesima Sunday 2020
Septuagesima 3 weeks before lent – Gospel reading on the workers in the vineyard – unfair?
St. Michael the Archangel Anglican Church, Matthews, NC 28105
St. Michael the Archangel Anglican Church, Matthews, NC
Septuagesima 3 weeks before lent – Gospel reading on the workers in the vineyard – unfair?
Oh what a Great and Loving God we have…. a God that saw His Creation terribly sick, gone astray, lost, and sinking in its own sin. A loving God who decided to save His people; thus sending His Son to cure us of our dreadful disease, called sin; yes, He sent a Son to heal…
Sunday Next before Advent Nov 25 2018 Fr. Michael Cawthon: “Stir up, we beseech thee, O Lord, the wills of thy faithful people” On this last Sunday of the church year, prior to the beginning of the Advent (meaning the coming); let us review: We began the last church year by preparing for Christ’s coming…
Second Sun. after Easter St. John 10:11-16 15 April 2018 / Reverend Dr. Dennis Washburn Introduction-a popular name for Second Sunday after Easter is Good Shepherd Sunday. The readings contain theme. Two parts of shepherd theme in Old Testament. A) the LORD God of Israel as a shepherd and His covenant people as sheep. B) some…
I am going to discuss the past few months at St. Michael’s as compared to what we hear today concerning God and Faith by many who say “faith is about “God and Me” The secular world says “who needs the church – it about my friend – you know – Jesus and me; however, we…
Last week we had the “self-manifestation” of Jesus when he was twelve years old, as he stayed several days in the Temple listening to / and asking questions of the “doctors” of the Temple (the teachers) and we are told they were astonished at his understanding and questions. During advent through now we have had…
Circumcision 2019 Welcome to our Lord’s House of Prayer! As the world celebrates, we join with them, but most importantly we also recall the Circumcision of our Lord. As believers and servants of our Lord, tonight we worship God as we partake of His Body and Blood. This night/day we come to the Circumcision of…