M.P Tuesday September 17th
Morning Prayer Tuesday morning – Sept 17th
Un-mute your device – opps had sound problem at beginning…actually I forgot to turn on microphone. Sound picks up once service begins….
St. Michael the Archangel Anglican Church, Matthews, NC 28105
St. Michael the Archangel Anglican Church, Matthews, NC
Morning Prayer Tuesday morning – Sept 17th
Un-mute your device – opps had sound problem at beginning…actually I forgot to turn on microphone. Sound picks up once service begins….
VOLUME XXV No. 1 The Most Reverend Walter H. Grundorf, D.D., Presiding Bishop 3348 W. State Road 426, Oviedo, Florida 32765 Telephone: 407.657.0880 Fax: 407.657.4410 Email:apadeus@cfl.rr.com Website: www.anglicanprovince.org Anglican Province of America Happy 2019 and a Blessed Epiphany Season. May the seasonal events of Epiphany inspire each of us as we seek to spread the…
A different Lessons and Carols – Done Saint Michael’s Way – a very moving service which even made the people emotional of the presentation. Total service lasts about an hour and a half…take a few moments and take in all the beauty of reverent worship. Just click below. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=367145308506081&id=100023556618640
A Crucifixion or a Wedding? I am a big fan of Pitre. We have been re-listening to this book during “book reading” during Morning Prayer and the book is reemphasizing to me how our faith if so much more than just words. Its roots bring to life and as the light is focused on…
Jesus Gets Us—But Not in the Way You Think The “He Gets Us” founders want to turn this negativity on its head and show the world that Jesus really is a nice guy. He’s kind, tolerant, patient, and understanding of everything we’re going through. He’s not a harsh judge—He’s our friend. He gets us. Enjoy. …
ON THE HISTORY OF THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND The Rev’d. Stephan W. Heimann Deaconess Tina Jinkins Beginnings The Church in “Britannia” was planted by merchants from the Middle East, who brought their wares to the islands and spoke of their faith to the inhabitants. In the Anglican tradition, one of the best known of…
Unmute and enjoy and share. Chatting, reading, and praying. Have a Blessed Day. M+