Constitution and Canons
The laws that govern the administration within the Province.
As well, the Cannons list procedures in the APA for becoming ordained
St. Michael the Archangel Anglican Church, Matthews, NC 28105
St. Michael the Archangel Anglican Church, Matthews, NC
The laws that govern the administration within the Province.
As well, the Cannons list procedures in the APA for becoming ordained
CHAPTER 4 BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER (1928) THE SACRAMENTAL LIFE: PART I BAPTISM AND HOLY EUCHARIST Introduction: Sacramental symbols draw on our salvation history and reflect the role of the Church as a Sacrament of God’s presence in the world. God performs the Sacraments with ministers as God’s human agents. Sacrament…
OBSERVATIONS ON THE EVIL ONE, THE FALLEN ANGELS, AND DEMONS AS ACCOUNTED FOR IN THE BIBLE & RELATED TEXTS The Rev’d. Allen Fisher Lead Us Not into Temptation When our Lord Jesus Christ gave His disciples the model prayer, a sixth of its petitions was devoted to being delivered from “the evil one” (see…
Musical Notes: Our music is historically and scriptural based upon the church season and scripture readings for the day. See notes below on the music history and their composers as we show reverence to the Lord through our music. Prelude Christ lag in Todesbanden J. S. Bach Martin Luther wrote…
Propers for The Second Sunday in Advent The Collect and Lessons The Collect: BLESSED Lord, who hast caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning; Grant that we may in such wise hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that by patience and comfort of thy holy Word, we may embrace,…
Week of Jan 11th Monday 11th: 8:30 am Morning Prayer (LS) 6 pm Ladies Evening Prayer; 7 pm Scouts Tuesday 12th: 8:30 am Morning Prayer (LS) Wednesday 13th: 10 am Morning Prayer (church) Noon Eucharist 6 pm Evening Prayer & Eucharist 7 pm Choir…
THE SACRAMENTAL LIFE: PART I Introduction: Sacramental symbols draw on our salvation history and reflect the role of the Church as a Sacrament of God’s presence in the world. God performs the Sacraments with ministers as God’s human agents. Sacrament comes from a Latin word (sacrare) meaning holy. Anglican definition of a Sacrament is “The outward…