Week of June 9, 2019….
St. Michael the Archangel Anglican Church, Matthews, NC 28105
St. Michael the Archangel Anglican Church, Matthews, NC
Week of June 9, 2019….
Reading for Sunday August 25th The Collect:LET thy merciful ears, O Lord, be open to the prayers of thy humble servants; and, that they may obtain their petitions, make them to ask such things as shall please thee; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. The Epistle 1 Corinthians xii. 1.CONCERNING spiritual gifts, brethren, I…
Update and thoughts from the rector. Friday’s first 15 minutes has updates and messages the rector wants to share, this is followed by the Religion of the Apostles pertaining to Baptism and succession of the priesthood, followed by morning prayer.  
Pilate took Jesus and scourged him Jhn 19:1 – Then Pilate therefore took Jesus, and scourged him. – surely hoping to appease them, finally giving in to their wants and desires. How often have all us “given into wants and desires of others although we know better” and how often do we regret the outcome. …
Wedding at Cana Pentecost III January 29, 2020 Jesus could have began his public Ministry in a number of ways. To establish his credentials as a teacher, he could have first preached The Sermon on the Mount. To establish his power over demons, he first could have done an exorcism: how about a whole Legion…
THE 1928 BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER – Part 1 The Book of Common Prayer has a history of more than four and a half centuries of daily liturgical use and is in direct and organic continuity with the beliefs, practices and liturgies of the undivided Church in the West. It is now time to take…